A former Cheltenham Borough Homes (CBH) tenant has been fined nearly £500 for illegally sub-letting his flat.
John Stevens, 55, formerly of Newton Road, had been a long time tenant of his flat, but moved out to live with his girlfriend and did not tell the landlord.
At the same time, Mr. Stevens rented the flat out to a friend, illegally sub-letting the property, which was made a criminal offence in 2013.
Following a tip off, Stevens was visited by CBH officers and terminated his tenancy on the flat shortly after, but not before his illegal subletting was brought to light.
CBH used the recently introduced criminal powers to prosecute Mr. Stevens under s1(1) of the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013.
In mitigation Stevens told the Court that he thought he was helping a friend by allowing them to stay at his flat.
The Magistrates took account of Mr Stevens’s guilty plea and his means. Mr. Stevens was fined and ordered to pay a fine to the Court of £300. He was also instructed to pay a victim surcharge of £30 and a contribution to the prosecution costs of £150.
The flat was quickly re-let to new tenants who had been waiting for a property to become available.
Caroline Walker, head of community services at Cheltenham Borough Homes, “Illegal subletting of social houses prevents people who genuinely need them from getting access to homes.
“This is a good result for us, not least because it helped to give a home to someone but also because it sends a strong message to people considering sub-letting - We will find out and you will be prosecuted.”
If any residents have information on anyone they believe to be committing tenancy fraud, then please report it via our website at https://www.cbh.org/do-it-online/report-tenancy-fraud/
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