Gareth Edmundson, Chief Executive
Gareth has overall responsibility for CBH working with colleagues to maintain our housing and support our customers. Gareth has a joint role and also acts as Chief Executive of Cheltenham Borough Council.

Paul Jones, Joint Executive Director for Finance and Assets
Paul has overall responsibility for finance and assets, working with colleagues to maintain our housing stock and ensure financial sustainability. Paul has a joint role and also acts as Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer (Chief Finance Officer) at Cheltenham Borough Council.

Paul Leo, Interim Housing Transformation Director
Paul is supporting the move of the housing management service from CBH to Cheltenham Borough Council, and acting as a consultant to the leadership team.

Paul Minnis, Joint Director of Major Developments and Regeneration
Paul has overall responsibility for the development of new homes on existing assets and through new land-led and S106 opportunities, working with colleagues to increase our housing stock and help ensure financial sustainability. Paul has a joint role and also acts as Director of Major Developments & Regeneration at Cheltenham Borough Council.

Matt Ward, Head of Housing Services
Matt has responsibility for Housing Income, Rent Accounting, Benefit and Money Advice, Training and Employment, Empty Homes, Leasehold Management & Shared Ownership and Housing Options. He provides leadership to ensure high quality and improving Housing Services for our customers.

Caroline Walker, Head of Community Services
Caroline has overall responsibility for the community services team which delivers customer services, tenancy management & support, response to ASB and community investment activities to customers. The team also support customers involved in shaping and influencing housing services.

Vicky Day, Head of Technical and Investment
Vicky has overall responsibility for the team delivering asset management for the housing stock, including capital investment to maintain and improve homes, tackling the climate emergency, cyclical contracts such as painting and for property compliance.

Louisa Foster, Head of Project and Change
Louisa has overall responsibility for the project and change team. Together they deliver programme management, organisational change, project management, data analysis, and system development. The team supports the business to ensure the successful implementation of key change programmes from start to finish, ensuring the achievement of desired outcomes for the benefit of the business and our customers.