We know that finding a job or taking that first step into training can be hard so we have a dedicated team on hand who can offer support to help you into work, education, training or volunteering.
Skills workshops
Our Skills Hub offers a range of workshops to help develop your skills.
The sessions are free and easy to access and offer a variety of training and support including:
- job clubs
- online courses
- IT skills
- budgeting
- digital support, help with getting online
When: Every Wednesday and Thursday, 10am-12noon and 1pm-3pm
Where: First floor of the Hesters Way Community Resource Centre, Cassin Drive, Cheltenham, GL51 7SU
Work club at Oakley Community Resource Centre
We also run skills sessions at Oakley.
When: Every Tuesday, 10am-12noon
Where: Oakley Community Resource Centre, Clyde Crescent, Cheltenham, GL52 5QJ
Want to find out more?
Just pop along and speak to the team or email tes@cbh.org or call us on 0800 408 0000 for more information.
You can also contact us using our online form.