About the Tenant Panel
The tenant scrutiny improvement panel (TSIP) was formed in 2010 to enable tenants to scrutinise and improve the way their housing service is run. In 2024 TSIP became the tenant panel, following the decision by Cheltenham Borough Council to take the housing service back in house.
The aim of the tenant panel is to ensure that tenants are at the heart of housing service delivery through the scrutiny and review of our services. The panel is influential in making changes and improvements to the service and ensuring we remain accountable to our customers. The tenant panel reports to the newly formed CBC housing committee.
What has the tenant panel achieved?
Become a tenant panel member
By becoming a member of this influential panel, you can make a real difference to your community be helping us develop, test and shape the services we deliver.
Want to find out more? Find out how joining the tenant panel has been beneficial for our member, Ed.
I joined TSIP several years ago at the suggestion of one of the staff at the CBH job club, who thought it would give me an opportunity to improve my confidence and presentation skills. I went to a few meetings and it seemed a worthwhile use of my time. I was voted in as a full member shortly afterwards.
The scrutiny work gives us an insight into how the organisation works and how it achieves its goal as a housing provider. Membership of the tenant panel is an opportunity to influence this.
Whilst we may not have carried out many formal scrutiny activities this year, we thankfully have had ample opportunity to influence serveral items, such as the new Asset Management Plan and the welcome packs. It’s also been great to be involved in the Stage 2 complaints as part of the new complaints process.
Our big success this year was our information and recruitment event, which attracted five new members to the group. We look forward to working with the new members, as well as Ali from the community investment team, to take tenant involvement and scrutiny forward over the next year.
Edwin Travena, tenant panel chair

Contact Us
To get involved, to find out more about the group, if you have any new ideas or feel that there are areas of your housing service that you feel we should be looking at, the panel would like to hear from you!
You can contact us through the Community Investment Team on 0800 408 0000 | ellen.pollicott@cbh.org
Or you can get in touch using the form.