What are Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)?
The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) regulates landlords to check that they are giving people good housing and that they are efficient and run well.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) are a new part of the RSH’s regulatory approach, aimed at making it easier for people to find out how good a landlord is and compare different housing providers. This means people can see which landlords are better at looking after homes and tenants. The RSH thinks it’s important that people know how tenants feel about their landlord, and if landlords are doing what they’re supposed to do. We will need to report how we are doing to the RSH every year, starting with information covering the period April 2023 to March 2024.
Publishing our data
Read the latest tenant satisfaction measures reports:
- with us here at CBH
- with the time we took to complete your most recent repair
- with the way your home is maintained
- with your home – do you feel safe?
- that we listen to your views and act on them
- that we keep you informed on the things that matter to you
- that we treat you fairly and with respect
- with our approach to handling complaints
- that we keep communal areas clean and well maintained
- that we make a positive contribution to your neighbourhood
- with our approach to handling ASB
We’ll also review:
- complaints we’ve received
- the time it takes to respond to complaints
- anti-social cases we’re working on
- homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard
- repairs completed within target timescales
- gas safety checks
- fire safety checks
- asbestos safety checks
- water safety checks
- lift safety checks
Performance measures
These are already part of the day to day life of running CBH and we are already collecting the information needed to report the TSMs.
Tenant perception and performance information is regularly scrutinised by senior leaders in CBH, our Board and Committees, by our Tenant Scrutiny Panel (TSIP) and by Cheltenham Borough Council too. We make sure that the annual report for tenants we send you every summer covers some these areas of performance and satisfaction. We must now make sure that we make available on our website, and on CBC’s website too, the RSH’s specific TSMs. We must be clear about what is being collected, what targets we’re aiming for, and how we’re doing against those targets.
Your feedback has always been important to us
We already ask you the tenant perception questions as part of our rolling quarterly telephone surveys, which are one of many ways that we seek your feedback on how we’re doing.
We currently do this through a company called Acuity, who provide an objective approach, and flexible times to contact people, so those people at work during the day have the opportunity to take part in the evenings or on Saturdays. This is done in a way that ensures we understand not just if you are happy or not, but also why. The second part is important as we use this to improve what we do on an ongoing basis.